


(唐森)博士. 托马斯·米. 埃文斯, UIW President; Karin Beckendorf; Scott Beckendorf; Sophie Rose Beckendorf; Dr. 珍妮·斯科特,工商管理学院院长

从发展委员会到董事会, Scott Beckendorf has been serving and supporting the 道成肉身的大学 for almost three decades. 然而,他的家庭与这所大学的渊源要久远得多. 20世纪40年代, 珍妮特·赫尔曼·朗格利亚和艾琳·赫尔曼·拉德克, 斯科特妻子卡琳的姨妈们, 毕业于当时的incarnate Word College. More recently, the Beckendorfs' daughter, Sophie Rose Beckendorf, graduated from UIW in 2018. 在那段时间里, 这个家庭见证了这所曾经规模不大的大学变成了充满活力的大学, 这是一所全球性的大学.

“Many great things have happened during my time volunteering for the University,贝肯多夫说. “建筑已经建成,专业学校也已经开设. The acquisition of Founders Hall across Hildebrand from the main campus was a huge improvement for UIW’s future growth. 我对Dr. 埃文斯目前就读于威斯康星大学, 它的管理员, 教师和学生, while adhering to the mission of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word.”

The Beckendorf family is helping accelerate that growth through their biggest commitment to the University yet. 感谢他们的慷慨, UIW has established The Beckendorf Family Center for Innovation and Global Entrepreneurship. The Center will work with the 工商管理学院 (HEBSBA) to find and develop the business leaders of tomorrow right here at UIW. University leaders gathered with the Beckendorf family to officially open The Center with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on 10月 14, 2022.

Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word at the Beckendorf Center ribbon-cutting ceremony

“Karin and I felt that there was a need at the University for students to learn the immense possibilities our amazing country offers through its free market system of capitalism,贝肯多夫说. “The Center will be a place for students to learn how to create a product or service and take it to market. 学生们会学到, 通过投入时间, 把精力和资源投入到一个深思熟虑的计划中, 几乎一切皆有可能.”

“The Beckendorf Family Center for Innovation and Global Entrepreneurship is an exciting new venture that will enrich UIW students’ education, 为他们提供新的体验和敞开的大门——不仅仅是在美国.S.但在世界各地,”威斯康星大学校长博士说. 托马斯·米. 埃文斯. "We are very grateful to Scott and Karin Beckendorf for their friendship and their vision to make more possible for our Cardinals.” 

The mission of the Beckendorf Center is “to promote entrepreneurial thinking, innovation and action.这意味着要融入教育项目, experiential activities and networking and outreach opportunities to both internal and external stakeholders. The vision is “to be the hub of all efforts related to entrepreneurship at the 道成肉身的大学 and the home of all UIW entrepreneurial thinkers.” The entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship-related courses are open to everyone campus-wide.

Scott Beckendorf speaks to students at The Beckendorf Family Center for Innovation and Global Entrepreneurship

“The beauty of the Beckendorf Family Center is that it fits perfectly with the UIW Mission,博士说。. Teresa Harrison,威斯康星大学管理学副教授. “UIW是由三位修女建立的,她们在社区中发挥了作用. They were entrepreneurial in spirit – they had to be entrepreneurial to survive, 茁壮成长并发展成为威斯康星大学系统所包含的一切. The Beckendorf Family Center will offer programming available to all students in all majors so that they, 太, 能不能作为商业领袖走进社区,回馈社会.”

添加Beckendorf, “Being Catholic and having been involved with the University for many years and personally knowing the members of the congregation, 大学的领导和使命, we felt UIW would be the perfect fit to steward our wishes to help young students evolve into successful business people with endless opportunities."

The Beckendorf Family Center will help the students and faculty of the HEBSBA connect to the San Antonio business community by providing opportunities for mentorship, 实习和合作. 该中心投资于学生的创业愿望, allowing them to develop successful business ideas and be part of a mentoring program that is supported by business owners, 本地和国际企业家和专业创业顾问. 目前, 该中心将举办HEBSBA球场比赛, the Entrepreneurship Coffee Club and the popular HEBSBA Start-Up Challenge Competition. These types of events and offerings include having speakers and leaders in the community discuss their journeys and explain the entrepreneurial mindset to students. 在未来, the Center will include curriculum for undergraduate students and a certificate program that can be offered to students and business professionals. 它将由三名联合董事领导:哈里森博士. Segun Oyedele,国际商务副教授,博士. Jose Moreno,金融学教授.


“The Beckendorf Family Center will bridge the San Antonio business community with the HEBSBA,博士说。. 珍妮·斯科特,H-E-B工商管理学院院长. “This will bring opportunities to our students and faculty and allow us to bring opportunities to the business communities. 我只想对你说声谢谢. 这将改变我们学生的生活!”

“I thank the Beckendorf family for their generosity and their entrepreneurial spirit in establishing this center,哈里森说。. “Their gift creates a central place for entrepreneurial activities that was missing before. 感谢他们的贡献, the launch of the Center will create a legacy for future generations of business owners and entrepreneurs who will make a difference in the world and will impact others in San Antonio and beyond.”

给贝肯多夫一家, the Center will continue to build on a legacy that students will benefit from for decades to come.

“我们的信息或愿望是,学生将在中心学习, 来自教授和导师, 在自由市场社会中, 永远为他们真正相信的事情努力工作,贝贝多夫总结道. “无论是新产品还是更好的产品, a service or a better way of servicing or something no one has ever conceived. To follow those beliefs and find others with the same beliefs as an investor, 合作伙伴或伙伴,帮助他们执行计划,实现梦想.”

The Beckendorf Family Center for Innovation and Global Entrepreneurship started its work in the Fall of 2021.