Meet UIW’s Lead Catholic Chaplain, Fr. Hector Kalaluka, OMI

September 16, 2022

Fr. Hector Kalaluka, OMI A new member of the UIW community, Fr. Hector Kalaluka, OMI now serves as UIW’s lead Catholic Chaplain, presiding at Mass, 圣礼庆典和其他特别活动由uw的使命和事工办公室主办. At UIW, 他还把自己对教学的热爱作为宗教研究系环境神学和伦理学的兼职教授. Below, Fr. Kalaluka shares a little about his background, his favorite Bible passage, and why he felt compelled to serve God and others at UIW.


A:在加入UIW之前,我首先在我的祖国赞比亚工作. 我就是在那里做事工,堂区事工,退修事工,青年事工等等. So, I spent about three to four years there. Then I came to the U.S. to do my Ph.D. in Christian Spirituality at the Oblate School of Theology. I was with a formation community, which is a community of young people, seminarians who are training to become priests. I was with them for about three years. 然后我搬到了圣安东尼奥西部的一个小教区(圣家族), where I ministered for a year. 我还和大主教管区的刑事司法部门合作, 在那里我每周要去不同的监狱做两到三次弥撒和和解. Primarily, my work was in the parish. 当我完成了这一切,我申请来uw社区作为牧师工作.

Q: What drew you to becoming a priest?

A: My vocation story starts when I was young. I grew up in a Catholic home, practicing Catholicism. 当我还在上小学的时候,我就有了成为牧师的愿望. 我只是对过去有外国传教士在我的教区工作的方式印象深刻. 高中毕业时,我决定加入圣母无原罪传教会. 在我被任命为圣职之前,我花了十年时间与圣母无玷圣母的传教士们一起经历了这段旅程. 在这十年里,我大概去了六个不同的国家.

吸引我的是对人民的爱,尤其是对穷人的爱. The Oblates in my native country, they work in rural areas, 在其他传教士不愿工作的地方——非常困难的传教. 当我看到那里的人们,尤其是美国传教士时,我总是很有动力. 但我从来不知道,我做梦也没想到我会来美国工作.S. What has been keeping my faith is basically prayer, scripture, 以及我多年来通过事工认识的人建立的关系. 他们鼓励我,通过他们的祈祷和我们多年来建立的关系来支持我.

Q: What is your favorite Bible passage?

A: My favorite Bible passage is actually John 10:10, 我来了、是要叫人得生命、并且得的更丰盛.这就是耶稣告诉我们的,这就是他来的目的. Wherever I go, I want to bring life to those people. 我想要在那些缺乏信心的群体中复活生命,或者在信仰方面遇到困难的群体. 我希望并祈祷,通过我的事工,他们能够获得新的生命. 我相信我存在的目的就是为了让别人活下去. And not only live, but have life in abundance. 因此,我需要为我的邻居,为我的社区等等做出牺牲. 这要求我过一种有条理、有纪律的生活,意识到别人的需要,并在基本需求范围内生活,这对我来说已经足够了. But if we are able to share what we have, whether it is material, financial or spiritual, that provides life to somebody else. 这节经文激励我继续工作,倾听神的声音. 它指引我该走的路,好叫那些人得生命,因为基督住在我里面. The more I interact with people, the more I evangelize to people, 我越把耶稣基督的位格带给他们,他们就越能通过耶稣获得生命, especially through the ministry. 作为一个牧师,我所从事的事工就是把耶稣带来, 把饼和酒转化成基督的身体和血. 凡有份的,必得永生,这就是我的信仰.

Q: What drew you to UIW? What classes will you be teaching?

A: uw吸引我的首要原因是它是一所天主教大学, and I’ve always wanted to work at a Catholic university. 我一生都在天主教学校上学,但那不是大学. My experiences, especially being in Rome at the Gregorian, 我认为这是最古老最强大的耶稣会机构之一, have inspired me to want to do what I am doing today. 我想和年轻人分享,尤其是学术界的年轻人. 当有机会来到威斯康星大学时,我必须主动提出自己的要求. Then, after the processes and everything, 我有机会在这里工作,在这里做事工, which I love so much.

My ministry puts me in contact with young people, 特别是考虑到我的兴趣和研究领域是生态和社会正义. 具体来说,环境神学和伦理学,这是我在UIW教的一门课. 这是一门帮助学生更加意识到他们在宇宙中的存在的课程. 这有助于他们意识到他们并不是与环境分离的, 但它们是一体的,而且对《澳门博彩官网下载》文本有一种新的解释,即上帝让人类以统治的方式掌管宇宙. We seek to answer what does that mean?

正如教皇方济各所说,“诚信和生态”是什么意思? That is what I try to share with the students. 他们怎么能成为负责任的成年人,尤其是当他们进入这个世界的时候. They’ll be sitting with corporate leaders in board rooms. 他们怎么能让董事会负起责任,让他们做任何事, whether making profits or making the products, they are looking at how friendly they are to the environment. 因为这个环境——整个受造物——被委托给我们,以便我们可以把它作为一个健康的地方传给后代, more than we found it. Basically, that is what I teach, and it helps me. When I’m in class, it’s a different reality, 这让我对认识不同的学生有了不同的看法. 有些人甚至不是天主教徒,我通过这个教导事工来接触他们. They are able to experience the love of God, 他们能够知道上帝多么关心他们,上帝多么希望他们照顾他们的环境.