

Gustavo Herrera Garcia grew professionally and personally through a mission trip to 墨西哥

UIW Physical Therapy member works on a patient“在诊所, working hard every single day, feeling the adrenaline in my body, 那真是太棒了.”

That is how Gustavo Herrera Garcia, 西澳大学营养学专业, recalls the mission trip he and 41 other faculty, staff and students took to Oaxaca, 墨西哥, 从9月. 3-11. 该集团, made up of community members from the Ila Faye Miller School of Nursing and Health Professions, 菲克药学院, the Ettling Center for Civic Leadership and Sustainability, the Rosenberg School of Optometry (RSO), the School of Physical Therapy (SoPT), Community Health and Nutrition, traveled to Oaxaca to provide medical services to the city’s residents. 和他们在一起的还有老布什. Adriana Calzada, CCVI, who represented the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word on the trip. This was the first mission trip UIW has been able to take to Oaxaca since 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“To see all the professional schools come together with one common goal, and achieve it is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity,博比·圣马丁说, program specialist in the Ettling Center and trip leader. “Many students have not traveled outside the United States or even Texas. I have been fortunate to have visited 21 different countries, and I always try to provide guidance or assistance for those students with questions or who are feeling nervous.”

UIW partnered with Los Quijotes of San Antonio, a local non-profit with more than 30 years of experience organizing these mission trips. The organization is comprised of voluntary medical personnel who provide free medical services to the underserved, impoverished communities of Oaxaca, 墨西哥, 以及周边地区.

During the eight-day trip in early 9月, the group provided free medical assistance across the specialty areas of pediatrics, 家庭医学, 物理治疗, 牙科, women’s health and optometry, including eye exams and cataract surgeries. Volunteers also aided with prescription medications and delivered presentations about how to prevent the development of diabetes complications and strategies to prevent adverse outcomes.

圣·马丁, whose father was the previous Los Quijotes president, has worked with the organization for years, but he did not travel to 墨西哥 with the group until he joined the staff at UIW. 现在,他真的 uw成员试了一下 understands his father’s stories about the impact the trip has on people.

“I remember my father saying that the students will be seeing things in clinic settings that they will not see in rotations,圣马丁评论道. “Listening to the students during and after each mission trip, they all have one common theme. The mission trip has opened their eyes to a greater need.”

“It was so fulfilling, and it changes the way you see things in life,” noted Herrera Garcia. “It makes you more humble, and makes you value the simplest things even more.”

“The trip made me appreciate the life, 资源, and opportunities that I have,Jorge Luis Quintero补充道, 一位校友参加了这次旅行. “The act of gratitude was the biggest thing I experienced.”

Herrera Garcia and the other nutritionists also provided one-on-one diabetes education and counseling for more than 100 patients. These professional experiences, he says, will be very useful for his future career. But for him, the trip was about more than practicing his craft.

“I’ve always believed you should give something back,” Herrera Garcia reflected. “Giving something back is one of the best things in life you can do. Contribute with your work and make other people’s lives better. This was an opportunity to put that into practice.”