UIWSoPT Professor Completes Anatomy Training Program

8月 25, 2022

Dr. Debora Kaliski in front of the anatomy building at CambridgeDr. Debora Kaliski, associate professor in the UIW School of Physical Therapy, recently completed the Anatomy Training Program (ATP), a program co-sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) and The Anatomical Society. Kaliski completed the two-year fellowship at the UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine (UIWSOM) and capped the program with a two-week residency at the University of Cambridge in 英格兰.

“I was very excited when I learned I had received the fellowship,” said Kaliski. “I am continuously looking for ways to grow professionally and in turn, become a better educator, and I knew that the experience would be invaluable for professional growth.”

According to Kaliski, the ATP is intended to provide vocational training to those who are involved in 教学 anatomy, but who have not had much exposure to either human anatomy or clinical experience. The program included self-directed anatomy training under the guidance of a mentor at the participant’s home institution. Kaliski worked with and learned from Dr. Earlanda Williams, associate dean of clinical and applied science education at UIWSOM. Dr. Debora Kaliski in front of her dorm at Cambridge

为期两年的, self-directed training, included cadaveric dissections, answering learning objectives, 教学, self-assessments and the submission of anatomy portfolios. At the end of her training, Kaliski traveled to Cambridge, 英格兰, for further instruction on cadaveric dissections, peer 教学, pedagogical talks and anatomy assessments.

“I felt proud to represent UIW and the United States,” added Kaliski. “It was a competitive process to get accepted and it was a great honor to have been selected and given the opportunity to participate in an immersive anatomy experience at Cambridge, led by a well-respected anatomist with many years of anatomy 教学 experience.”