
October 1, 2015

圣安东尼奥- 10月11日星期三., 超过200位嘉宾加入了uw社区成员的剪彩仪式,庆祝大学最先进的美术综合体和凯尔索艺术中心正式开放.  世界大学的学生和教师自豪地展示了新设施,客人们也很高兴地参观了艺术画廊, classrooms, practice rooms, recording studio, 音乐设施以及500个座位的音乐厅. 威廉·戈克尔曼(William Gokelman), UIW音乐系系主任,访问教授. Orit Eylon表演.

The 55,000平方英尺的uw美术综合大楼由一座音乐大楼组成, 音乐厅和凯尔索艺术中心.  该综合体将为学生提供最先进的美术教育所需的设施和资源. 

The three-story music building features a 100-seat recital hall; choir and band rehearsal halls; a state-of-the-art recording studio; a music therapy suite with a services center offering clinical sessions to the community; piano lab; iMac lab; 18 Wenger modular practice rooms; percussion studio; seven teaching studios for private lessons; two general classrooms; instrument storage facility; and a listening library.

500个座位的音乐厅通过安装在整个大厅的电子系统,具有从0到10秒的混响不等的可变声学效果,旨在复制自然, room sound. 前美术礼堂的夹层, 现在是音乐厅, 被改成了美术课的演讲厅.

新装修的艺术大楼, 作为凯尔索艺术中心, 是否有单独的空间和指定的绘画工作室, painting, printmaking, 摄影和艺术史以及三个画廊, 凯尔索美术馆, Semmes画廊和一个学生画廊. The new art building offers students updated technologies and resources including a computer lab for digital photography; two darkroom labs for photo classes; and a designated lighting studio for photography students as well as an exposure unit for photographic screen printing processes.

In addition, 该中心还具有, a mural, 由罗素·希尔·罗杰斯艺术基金资助, 由大学委托,由当地艺术家Cakky Brawley设计. The mural, 《下载澳门赌博官网》,是一个40 x 20英尺的铝制雕塑,旨在与风相结合. 在白天,它反射自然的阳光. 晚上,壁画将被LED点亮,描绘日出,以日落结束.    





联系人:Margaret Garcia,通讯和营销副主任,(210)829-6001; mlgarci2@uiwtx.edu